This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 9/3/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doTubes of Choice I usedYuriko Shirou 21-2, 21-2, 21-3
Font of Choice I used VersalPlugins Used: Eye Candy 4000,Xero- Porcelain, Radiance, Bad Dream
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
Open a new canvas 700x700
Grab your rectangle tool and make a tall rectangleconvert to raster layer and center in canvasrename Center RectMake another one to the left and convert to raster layerrename Left RectDuplicate your Left RectImage-Mirror Horizontal and rename Right Rect
Pick 3 tubes of choice or Bundle of choice (from CDO if you have any!)I am using ScrapWDD_YurikoShirou-Package-21
Drag Paper 6 onto your canvas underneath your Center RectRS 65%grab your magic wand and select inside your Center RectSelections-Modify Expand by 3Selections-Invertactivate your Paper 6 and hit delete
Do that step again for your next 2 rectanglesusing different Papersfor the left rect I am using Paper 1for the right rect I am using Paper 5
Drag Yuriko Shirou 21-1 (the JPG version) onto your canvas below your left rectalign where you would likeactivate left rectmagic wand, select inside left rectSelections-Modify expand by 3selections-Invertactivate your tube layer and hit delete
Now do that step again for your center and right rectangles*NOTE* the center rectangle I did use the PSD tube 21-2 so it would fit in the rectI resized it to 80% The right rect I used the JPG version 21-3
this is what your tag should be looking like
Activate tube 21-1 (in your left rect)DuplicatePlugins-Xero-Porcelain-default settingsApply Blend Mode-OverlayMerge down your copied tube layer into your original tube layer
Activate tube 21-2 (in your center rect)DuplicatePlugins-Xero-Radiance
lower your opacity to 74Merge down your copied tube layer into your original tube layer
Activate tube 21-3 (in your right rect)DuplicatePlugins-Xero-Bad Dream-default settingsApply Blend Mode-Hard LightMerge down your copied tube layer into your original tube layer
grab your text toolI used font-versal-size 100type your word of choicemy first word is DESPAIRconvert to raster layerImage-Free Rotate-Left-90Place on the left side of the left rect
Type out your next word mine is ALONEchange your Direction to Vertical and Left
convert to raster layerplace between left and center rect
type another word mine is SORROWand place it between center and right rect
Change your direction back to normaltype your next word mine is DEPRESSIONconvert to raster layerImage-Free Rotate-Right-90place to the right on the right rect
Merge together all of your word layersPlugins-Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glowwith these settings
add ds I used V:0, H:2, Opacity:90, Blur:5.00
Drag paper 5 onto your canvasput this as your bottom layer in your LPAdd a mask- I used AKK_Mask074
Drag JPG 21-3 onto your canvas above your Mask Layer position between left and center rectdrag below your mask layer
Drag JPG 21-2 onto your canvas above your Mask Layerposition between center and right rectdrag below your mask layer
activate your Group Layer-Merge GroupObjects-Align Center In Canvas
Drag Paper 2 onto your canvas andmove this all the way to the bottom in your LPadd another mask I used AKK_Mask02activate your Group Layer-Merge Group
Crop your tagadd your copyrights and name(s)and we are done!!
This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 9/3/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doTubes of Choice I usedCuddly Rigor Mortis Tubes 92-3, 103-1, 128-2
Font of ChoicePlugins Used: Eye Candy 4000, Eye Candy 5 Glass
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
Open a new canvas700x250
Pick 3 tubes of choice
Activate your Ellipse ToolChange your foreground color to a color from the first tube you are usingI am using 92-3 so I am using pinkHide your background color
Make a circle on the left side of your canvasRename Left Circle Convert to raster layer
Copy and Paste CRM 92-3 onto your canvas beneath your circleRS 50% (or RS your tube to where it fits inside the whole circle)
Activate your Left Circle, grab your magic wandselect inside your circleSelections-Modify-Expand by 3Selections-Invert Activate your tube layer and hit delete
Do those steps again using your next two tubes and changing your foreground color to match those tubes
Add a DS to all of your circles I usedV:0, H:2, Opacity:45, Blur:5
Activate your 92-3 tube layerSelections- Select AllSelections-FloatSelections-DefloatAdd new raster LayerEye Candy 5 Glasswith whatever settings you likeDo this step again for your other tube layers
Grab your ellipse tool and make another circleplace it above your left circle layergrab your text tool and write what you would likeHide the ellipse layer and convert your text to a raster layerDo this step again but on your other circles and add the rest of your textAdd Eye Candy 4000 Gradiant Glow and DS to your texts
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with a solid colored background or a gradient backgroundand add a mask
Add copyrights and name(s)and we are done!
This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 9/3/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doTube of Choice I usedEnamorte Tubes 74-1 and 82-1
Template is also by me HEREFont of ChoicePlugins Used: Eye Candy 4000 on name
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
Open sig banner tempshift+d to duplicateclose out originaldelete credits
Pick 2 tubes that have the same color schemeI am using Enamorte Tubes 74-1 and 82-1
Copy and Paste Enamorte 74-1 underneath Left Squarealign where you would likeActivate your Left Square and grab your magic wand and select inside of itSelections-Modify-Expand by 3Selections-InvertActivate your tube layer and hit deleteDo this again but paste it underneath the Right Square
Copy and Paste Enamorte 82-1 onto your canvasRS 68%Move this below your border layerDrag your Bottom Rect above your tube layerGrab your selection tool and select the parts of the tube on the bottomand hit delete
Add a New Raster Layer make this your very bottom layerflood fill with a gradient of choice or a background
Copy and Paste Enamorte 74-1 onto your canvasand position it all the way to the right, right above your Gradient/Background Layer as shown in my tagWe only want her eyes showing on the very topGrab your selection tool and select all parts of the tube thatare showing and hit delete or use your eraser toolDo this again but place it at the bottom left of your BannerApply Screen Blend Mode on both
Add a new raster Layer and flood fill with color of choice from your main tubeI used PurpleGrab your magic wand and select inside Bottom RectSelections-Modify-Expand by 3Selections-InvertActivate your Colored Background Layer and hit deleteDo this again but on your Top RectAdd Texture Effects - Blinds to both
Select your text tool and type whatever you would like in the Bottom RectangleFinish it with writing something in the Top RectI used the color white and lowered the opacity
Add your copyright and name(s)and if you aren't animating then we are done!
Alright stay with me lol!
Open up your animations in Animation ShopI am using Sophisticat Simone Animation 398 and Rebel Dezigns Animation 1707 from Package 568
On Simones animation select all framesCopy and Paste after current frameDelete frames 26-34So now it has 25 frames like our Rebel Animation
Merge together your Left and Right Square layersHIDE THIS LAYER(Make sure that your tube layers are still underneath your square layers)Activate your bottom layer on your layer paletteEdit-Copy Special-Copy Merged
Paste as new animation and CTRL+L to make 25 framesEdit-Select All
Activate your Simone Animation Make sure you select all and Propagate Paste IS ONCopy and then Paste into selected frame I pasted it on my main layer tube
Activate your Rebel Animation and resize
Select all, copy and paste into selected frame on your Left Square Tube LayerPaste it again on your Right Square Tube Layer
Layers- View NoneMake visible your Merged Left and Right Square LayerEdit-Copy Special-Copy Merged
Paste into selected frame and align where they go
And the animation is finished!!
This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 9/2/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doKit and Tube Used
FTU Golden Havoc by CCD
Template by MeFonts of ChoicePlugins Used: Xero Soft Mood, Penta Color Dot, Xero Fritillary
Supplies HERE
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
Open Template HavocShift+D to duplicate and close out original
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with a color from your tubeI used #ffc100
Drag element 23 onto your canvasRS 60 %move this above your Left and Right Shape
Activate your bottom Rectangle and move this above element 23
Activate element 23Grab your selection tool and select the bottom half and hit delete
Sharpen and add DS V:0, H:5, Opacity:50, Blur:10
Drag Tube 1 onto your canvas below Right Long RectPlace where half of his face is showingActivate Right Long RectGrab your magic wand and select inside Right Long RectSelections-Modify-Expand by 2Selections-InvertActivate your tube layer and hit delete
Duplicate your tube layerImage-Mirror-HorizontalMove below Left Long RectXero-Soft Mood-Default SettingsDo this on your other tube layer alsoApply Texture Effects-Blinds to both Tube layers
Drag element 59 onto your canvas below Right Shape LayerRS 25% place it to where it fills in the entire shapeActivate Right Shape LayerSelections-Modify-Expand by 2Selections-InvertActivate element 59 and hit delete
Drag element 58 onto your canvas below your Left Shape LayerRS 30% place it to where it fills in the entire shapeActivate Left Shape LayerSelections-Modify-Expand by 2Selections-InvertActivate element 58 and hit delete
On element 58 and 59Apply Penta Color Dot with these settings
Then apply Blend Mode- Hard Light on Both
Add a new raster layer and flood fill with a gradientor you can use my Gradient Background I provided in supplies
Select your Magic WandActivate Top Rectangle and click inside of itSelections-Modify-Expand by 3Selections-InvertActivate your Gradient Layer/Background and hit deleteDo this step again in your Bottom Rectangle
Drag element 7 onto your canvas above your colored background Layer and RS 30%Place at the left side as shown in my tagDuplicate - Mirror - Mirror VerticalMerge DownGrab your selection tool and select the pieces that are showing to the rightand hit deleteDuplicate and Mirror Horizontal
Drag element 45 onto your canvas above your colored Background LayerRS 25%Duplicate- Mirror Horizontal
Drag element 8 onto your canvas below Element 45RS 25% place to the left as shown in my tagDuplicate- Mirror HorizontalMerge together both element 45s and element 8sGrab your selection tool and select any that is showing aboveand hit deleteor use your eraser tool up to you!
Drag element 92 onto your canvas above Bottom Rectangle and RS 15%Place in the center bottom as shown in my tag
Drag Paper 1 onto your canvas above your Colored Background LayerBlend Mode- Multiply
Activate your Top RectangleAdd Xero Fritillaryuse whatever settings you like
(because I forgot to take a screenshot lol)
Do this again on your Bottom Rectangle
Grab your text tool and write whatever you would like if you want toI lowered the opacity on my text
Add a new raster layerSelections-Modify-Contract by 6Selections-Invert and flood fill with gradient or color of choiceApply Foto Frame
If you aren't animating then we are done!Add your copyrights and name(s)
Activate your Bottom Background LayerEdit-Copy Special-Copy Merged
Edit-Paste as new animationCTRL+L to make 25 framesSelect All
Activate your Rebel Animation 67 (the bats)Select All-Edit-CopyActivate your Tag and Edit- Paste into selected frame in the center
Activate Rebel Animation 1378resize
Select All-Edit CopyActivate your tag and Edit-Paste into selected frameon the bottom left and right
Hide your bottom background layerActivate all your other layersEdit-Copy Special-Copy Merged
Edit-Paste Into Selected Frameand we are done!
This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 9/2/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doTube of Choice-
I used Anna Marine 69-1
Font of ChoiceI used a mask by me - AKK_Mask05Plugins Used: Eye Candy 4000 Gradiant Glow, Xero Bad DreamI Used a free kit by Chaos Priestess
Angel Fall
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
DONT FORGET TO SHARPEN and ADD DROP SHADOW to EVERY ELEMENT!Drop Shadow settings used: V:0, H:3, Opacity:50, Blur:10
Open a new canvas 650X650
Drag AFFrameEl01 onto your canvasObjects-Align-Center in CanvasRS 93%
Copy and paste your tube layer underneath your frameI am using the JPG preview of Anna Marine 69-1
Grab your magic wand and select inside the frameSelections-Modify-Expand by 3Selections-InvertActivate your tube layer and hit delete
Duplicate your tube layerPlugins-Xero-Bad Dream-Default SettingsBlend Mode-ScreenMerge down into your original tube layer
Drag AFFlowerEl02 onto your canvas & RS 50%Place to the bottom rightAdd DS
Drag AFKeyEl onto your canvas & RS 65%Place below AFFlowerEl02 add DS
Drag AFFoliageEl onto your canvas & RS 50%Place below AFKeyEl add DS
Drag AFFlowerEl01 onto your canvas & RS 85%Place below AFFoliageEl as shown in tag add DS
Duplicate AFFlowerEl02 and move above AFFlowerEl01 to the right
Drag AFStarClusterEl onto your canvasFlip Horizontal , RS 55% and place above your frame layer to the right
Drag AFHeartEl onto your canvasRS 35% place above AFFlowerEl01 as shown in tag add DS
Duplicate AFFoliageEl and move below AFStarClusterEl to the right
Drag AFWordartEl onto your canvas & RS 50%Put this above all your other layers to the leftAdd Eye Candy-Gradiant Glow-White
Drag AFPaper03 onto your canvasand load mask I used AKK_Mask05
Crop your tag and add credits and name(s)And we are done!

This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 8/8/2024Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.Supplies I Used:PSP – I used 2020 but any version will doFTU Tube of Choice- BHD_FTUTube-Clown24
Template is also by meFont of Choice - Strange and WeirdI used a mask by me - AKK_Mask035Plugins Used: Eye Candy 4000 Glass, DSB Flux-Bright Noise, Muras MeisterI Used 1 of my Free kits
Template & Tube : HERE
**Abbreviations I use**DS- Drop ShadowLP-Layer PaletteRS-Resize
Open Santa_Naughty2 TemplateShift+D to duplicate and close out your original templateresize your canvas to 815x260
activate Lil Black RectSelections-Select AllSelections-FloatSelections-DefloatOpen your tube BHD_FTUTube-Clown24 (or tube of choice)(keep your tube opened in PSP!)Edit-CopyEdit-Paste as new layer on your template and select your *MOVE* toolplace your tube where you would like it in the rectSelections-Invert and press deleteBlend mode Luminance Legacy Opacity 82
activate your Lil Black RectSelections-Select AllSelections-FloatSelections-Modify-Expand by 3add a new raster layer name it Lil Rect Borderflood fill with color of choicePlugins-DSB Flux-Bright Noise-Intensity 35Sharpen and move below your Lil Black Rect layer
Activate Gradiant RectSelections-Select AllSelections-FloatSelections-Defloatgo back to your tube canvasPlugins-Muras Meister Copies-Line with these settings
Edit copyEdit-Paste as new layer on your template and select your *MOVE* toolplace your tube where you would like it in the rectSelections-Invert and press deletePlugins-Xero-Bad Dream with these settings
Activate your pxl txt and change the opacity to 30
Now the next elements are all going to be UNDER ourBlack Rect Layer
Drag element 273 onto your LP & RS 30%place all the way towards the leftDuplicateImage-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Drag element 283 onto your LP & RS 25%place below el 273 to the leftDuplicate and do the same Mirror as above
Drag element 285 onto your LP & RS 25%place below element 283 to the bottom leftDuplicate and do the same Mirror as above
Drag element 287 onto your LP & RS 25%place below element 283 slightly to the rightDuplicate and do the same Mirror as aboveMerge your copy of el 287 down into el 287DuplicateImage-Mirror-Mirror Vertical
Drag element 279 onto your LP & RS 25%place below element 287 as shown in tagDuplicate-Image-Mirror-Mirror HorizontalMerge your copy of el 279 into el 279Duplicate-Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical
Drag element 282 onto your LP & RS 25%place below element 285 and move this to the center bottomas shown in tagDuplicateImage-Mirror-Mirror Verticalyour template should be looking like this now
Drag element 107 onto your LP & RS 30%place below element 282 and move towards the top to fill in those gaps that are shown in the Screenshot aboveDuplicateImage-Mirror-Mirror Vertical
Drag element 72 onto your LP & RS 25%place below el 279 all the way to the left side towards the bottomDuplicateImage-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Drag element 55 onto your LPImage-Free Rotate-Right-Free 20RS 15%place above your Naughty Glass Layer
Drag element 7 onto your LP & RS 20%place below element 55 and move it all the way towards the leftas shown in tag
Crop your tagadd your copyrights and name(s)
and we are done!!!
Hope you enjoyed!!xx