
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 8/6/2024
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.

Supplies I Used:
PSP – I used 2020 but any version will do
Font of Choice - I used Lounge Bait
I am using Stus kit Colors Of The Ocean HERE
I am using 2 FTU Anis from Simone
SimoneAni-WaterRipples-001 HERE
and SimoneAni-366 HERE

**Abbreviations I use**
DS- Drop Shadow
LP-Layer Palette


Drop Shadow used in this Tutorial is:
V-0, H-3, Opacity:50, Blur:10

Open a new canvas 700x200
Selections-Select All
Selections-Modify-Contract 3-Selections-Invert
Flood Fill with color of choice - Pick 2 colors from your tube or kit
I used HTML- #2c477f
Do this again but contract to 5 and flood fill with color of choice -
 I used HTML- #d1c1b2
Add DS V-0, H-3, Opacity:50, Blur:10

Drag Paper 18 onto your canvas
Drag element 22 onto your canvas & RS 25% place all the way to the left
Drag element 12 onto your canvas & RS 15% place below element 22 slightly to the right
Drag element 9 onto your canvas & RS 25% place above element 12 slightly to the right 
Drag element 8 onto your canvas & RS 20% place below element 9 to the right
Drag element 11 onto your canvas & RS 20% place below element 12 keep where it is
Drag element 17 onto your canvas & RS 25% place below element 11 to the left
Drag element 14 onto your canvas & RS 13% place below element 8 to the right 
Drag element 20 onto your canvas & RS 20% place below element 17 all the way to the right
Drag element 21 onto your canvas & RS 20% place below element 20 slightly to the left
Drag element 18 onto your canvas & RS 20% place below element 21 to the left (fill in that gap)
Duplicate element 17 - Mirror-Horizontal and move below element 18
Drag paper 20 onto your canvas place above paper 18 - 
Blend Mode Overlay-Merge down
add copyright and name(s)


Open Jasc Animation Shop and open your animations
I am using SimoneAni-WaterRipples-001 and SimoneAni-366

In PSP activate your paper layer - Layers- View current only 
Edit-Copy Special-Copy Merged
go into Jasc AS and Edit-Paste as new animation 
press CTRL+L until you have 14 frames 
Edit-Select All
Activate SimoneAni-WaterRipples-001
 Edit-Select All
Edit-Propagate Paste
Now go to your Sig tag and Edit-Paste into selected frame
View Animation and see if you like the placement 
If not just undo it and redo :)

Back to PSP

In your LP hide your paper layer
make visible Elements 17, 18, 21, 20, 17, 11 and 12
your canvas should look like this below

When you have them all shown 
activate element 17 this should be your bottom layer!
(shown in SS below)
Edit-Copy Special- Copy Merged

Back to Jasc AS

Edit-Paste into selected frame on your sig tag and place where it goes
Activate SimoneAni366
Scroll all the way to the right to Frame 15 and Delete this frame
(We need 14 frames like our water ripples)
Now click Animation-Resize Animation- SS below

Activate your Sig Tag 
Edit-Paste into selected frame and place where you would like

Back to PSP

Now we want to hide all the layers that we had visible
 (they were elements 17, 18, 21, 20, 17, 11 and 12)
Press CTRL & click on Element 12 
and keep doing that for all the layers above it
then click the eye to make them all visible 
your canvas should look like this

Now activate your bottom layer which should be element 12
shown in SS below
Edit-Copy Special-Copy Merged

Back to Jasc AS
Edit-Paste into selected frame on your sig tag-place where it goes
and we are done!!!

I do not script animated tags
I save it as a .mng
Then I go back to PSP
I type all my names on my tag (I add glow, ds etc.)
I activate the first name layer - Layers - View Current Only
Edit-Copy Special-Copy Merged 
Then in Jasc I open my .mng file for however many names I have
I do CTRL+A in each one so I know all the frames are selected 
before I start bringing the names over
then I Edit-Paste into selected frame 
then I save it as .gif
and then onto the next one and so on!

Hope you enjoyed!!


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