My Blinkie

My Blinkie

Forum Hangout



Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Made some new masks today whooop! 
First time I have made masks in a while!
Misc Masks 23' 1-20 
JPG and PNG format included!

You CAN use these on any of your creations!
**PLEASE send people to my blog to download them!!!** 
**PLEASE DO NOT claim as your own!** 
**PLEASE give me credit in tutorials if used!!** 



Alrighty! Hi! 
I hope everyone is doing well! 
As you all know I sell in CDO & I also sell in Izzy's Store WDD!
I haven't been making as many kits as I usually do!

let's get this out there so no one thinks I'm an asshole -
I have NO problem with anyone who uses AI.
Me PERSONALLY no I do NOT use AI in my kits and I do NOT plan on using it ever.
In return this makes it harder for me to produce kits as about 95% of CU
being released is ALL AI.
That is awesome and great for the designers who DO USE IT.
But for designers like me who DO NOT USE IT, it absolutely sucks.
I try very hard to not repeat elements in my kits but now I am going to have to!
So, if you see a repeated element or a few mind ya business LOL!
Especially with not a lot of new regular cu being released!

the stores I DO sell in DO NOT allow AI products! 
Again, which is fine as I stated above, I don't use it and don't plan on using it.
It just isn't my style personally. It is to clean cut. And I also
do not think the elements look good on creations.
AGAIN this is MY PERSONAL opinion!
Everyone is each to their own! 
If you LOVE it that is OKAY

my kits will probably be smaller and NOT as HUGE as I was making them for WDD!
Again because of the lack of REGULAR CU being released!
I did however purchase some BMS CU PSP Scripts and that is new to me!
So far, I am having fun with it! 

So please just bear with me as I try to stay afloat being
a regular Scrap Kit designer who doesn't use AI and doesn't
plan on jumping on that bandwagon!

Much Love!

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