My Blinkie

My Blinkie

Forum Hangout



Sunday, October 15, 2023
Stu brought it to my attention that not everyone has plugins! 
So I wrote this tutorial using just a blend mode already in Corel PSP 2020!
There are some video clips also to help you along the way!
Bear with me as this will probably be long! 

This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 10/15/2023

Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Supplies I Used:
PSP – I used 2020 but any version will do
Tube of Choice : I used an adorable tube by 
Keith Garvey Package 70 which you can get HERE
Scrapkit Used : NONE
Mask Used : LLM-Mask-1282
(if anyone knows who made this mask please let me know so I can give credit!)
Texture of choice
Font of Choice - Impact and Kaldista Project (any bold and cursive font will work!)
Plugins Used: NONE

Lets Begin! 

Open a new canvas 800x800
Pick your paper and drag it onto your layer palette as shown below

Layers > Load Mask from Disk
(You can use whatever mask you want)
I used LLM-Mask-1282 

Open your 3 tubes you are using.
Start with the tube you are placing first.
I start from the left then middle then right.
click on tube 70-2 layer 3 
Edit, Copy, Edit, Paste as new layer
Move above your group mask layer and place to the left 
Now drag your tube under your group mask layer as shown below 

Now do the same for your middle and right tube!

Apply the blend mode Screen to all 3 of your tubes as shown below 

Now you are going to clean up your tubes that are overlaying on top of each other.

Active the tube that has an overlying tube "in it"
This will be "Main Tube"
(NOTE: you may have to do this for more than one tube)

Selections > Select All
Selections > Float
Selections > Invert
Selections > Invert
Activate the tube layer you are deleting inside the Main Tube and hit delete on your keyboard.
Selections>Select None
Shown Below

Add your texture and put it BENEATH your Mask Layer as shown below
Change your opacity to what looks best on your tag! 

Now activate your text tool I used the font Impact
Color of choice, size 150 
Type out PUMPKIN
Place where you would like 
and convert to raster layer
Change Opacity to 38 and add a drop shadow of
V:3, H:5, Opacity: 50, Blur:8 (color black)

Activate text tool again and pick a cursive font
and type out Queens but switch your color to white for this word
you can keep it as is OR like me
change the opacity to 67 and add the same drop shadow

Crop your tag
add your copyrights
save your tag
then add names
and we are DONE! 


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