My Blinkie

My Blinkie

Forum Hangout


Friday, August 9, 2024

This tutorial was written by Ashley Zimmerman on 8/8/2024
Any resemblance to any other tutorial is coincidental.
Supplies I Used:
PSP – I used 2020 but any version will do
FTU Tube of Choice- BHD_FTUTube-Clown24
Template is also by me
Font of Choice - Strange and Weird
I used a mask by me - AKK_Mask035
Plugins Used: Eye Candy 4000 Glass, DSB Flux-Bright Noise
I Used 2 of my Free kits 

Template & Tube : HERE

**Abbreviations I use**
DS- Drop Shadow
LP-Layer Palette


I will be using two different kits for this tag
I will state which kit we are in as we go along!
This is for the Goth Challenge in Misfits which the
challenge is Opposites!
Hence Christmas and a clown!

If you want your tube or papers smaller before you put them
on your template canvas into your shape layers you have to
RESIZE it BEFORE you paste as new layer onto your template canvas

Alrighty lets do this!!

Open Santa Naughty Template
Shift+D to duplicate and close out your original template
Resize your canvas to 790x250
in your LP delete the credits

Open your tube BHD_FTUTube-Clown24 (or tube of choice)
(keep your tube opened in PSP!)
C&P onto your LP & RS 61% - Sharpen your tube 
Place this below your Santa Txt Layer in the center
Duplicate your tube and go to Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur:3
Blend Mode-Screen-Opacity 75
Merge down into your original tube layer
add DS - V:0, H:5, Opacity:80, Blur:10

We are using BHD_HallowsHorrorCarnival for this portion

Activate your Center Rect in your LP
Selections-Select All
Open paper 5 & RS to 75%
Edit-Paste as new layer on your template 
and select your *MOVE* tool 

place where you would like in the center rect
Hit Delete
Rename Center Paper Rect
In your LP delete your original Center Rect layer (the black one beneath it)

Activate your Center Paper Rect in your LP
Selections-Select All
Selections-Modify-Expand by 5
Add new Raster Layer name it Center Border

Flood fill with color of choice
Plugins-DSB Flux-Bright Noise with these settings

move this below your Center Paper Rect layer

Activate your Grad Rect Right in your LP
Selections-Select All
Go back to your BHD_FTUTube-Clown24 and Edit-Copy
Edit-paste as new layer onto your template 
Select your *MOVE TOOL*
and place your tube in the rect where you would like
Hit delete
Blend mode screen
Rename Tube Right
Duplicate Tube Right
Rename Tube Left
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
In your LP drag Tube Left above Grad Rect Left

Activate Skinny Rect Right
Selections-Select All
Open paper 3 & RS 55%
Edit-Paste as new layer and select your *MOVE TOOL* and 
place to the right as shown in tag
Rename Paper Right
delete your Skinny Rect Right layer

Duplicate and rename "Paper Left"
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
In your LP drag "Paper Left" above your Skinny Rect Left Layer
delete your Skinny Rect Left layer

Activate your "Paper Right" Layer 
Selections-Select All
Selections-Modify-Expand by 3
Add new Raster Layer name it Paper Right Border
Flood fill with color of choice
Plugins-DSB Flux-Bright Noise BUT change the intensity to 100
Duplicate and rename Paper Left Border
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Drag below your Paper Left Border

Now we are going to use BHD_GothicXmas

Drag element 289 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below Skinny Rect Top to the left
Duplicate-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge down the copy of El 289 into El 289 layer
Merge down the copy of EL 289 into El 289 layer
this is what it will look like in your LP

Drag element 288 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below El 289 to the left side of canvas so it peeks out a bit
Duplicate-Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Drag element 273 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below El 288 all the way to the bottom right as shown in tag
Duplicate-Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge down the copy of El 273 into El 273 

Drag element 282 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below element 273 and move to the top left
Duplicate-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge down the copy of 282 into El 282 and Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical

Drag element 149 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below el 282 to the left
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Now we are going to use BHD_HallowsHorrorCarnival kit

Drag element 62 onto your LP & RS 30%
place above Copy of El 273 to the left
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal
Merge down the copy of 62 into El 62 and Duplicate
Image-Mirror-Mirror Vertical

Drag element 68 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below El 149
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Drag element 69 onto your LP & RS 40%
place below El 68 towards the bottom right
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Drag element 4 onto your LP and RS 30%
place above Skinny Rect Top to the right as shown in tag

Drag element 8 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below your tube layer to the right 

Drag element 25 onto your LP & RS 35%
place below el 8 to the left

Now we are going back to BHD_GothicXmas Kit

Drag element 51 onto your LP & RS 20%
place above element 25 towards the bottom

Drag element 198 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below your tube layer to the left

Drag element 202 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below element 198 as shown in tag

Drag element 226 onto your LP & RS 20%
place below element 202 as shown in tag

Drag element 7 onto your LP & RS 25%
place above element 198 to the left

Drag element 72 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below element 25 to the right as shown in tag

Drag element 300 onto your LP & RS 50%
place below element 226 up towards the left as shown in tag

Drag element 297 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below element 72 as shown in tag

Drag element 287 onto your LP & RS 25%
place below element 297 all the way to the left of canvas as shown in tag
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Drag element 221 onto your LP & RS 20%
place above your Skinny Rect Top layer
to the left as shown in tag

Drag element 218 onto your LP & RS 45%
place below element 221 towards the left 

Drag element 102 onto your LP
Image-Free Rotate-Left 20 & RS 35%
Place below Paper Left Border to the left as shown in tag
Image-Mirror-Mirror Horizontal

Drag element 55 onto your LP
Image-Free Rotate-Right 20 & RS 20%
place below Copy of El 102 to the right as shown in tag

Drag element 38 onto your LP & RS 20%
place below El 7 to the left as shown in tag

Drag paper 11 onto your canvas
and add your mask layer I used 

Crop your tag
And we are done!
Add your copyright and name(s)

Hope you enjoyed!!


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